Diary of a Matchmaker Podcast Artwork Image

Diary of a Matchmaker

Halal Match

Getting married is tough for the vast majority of Muslims in the West. We know because we’ve been there. My (Zaid) journey spanned nearly nine years. It was filled with rejections, self-doubt, and despair. While I (Hiba) didn't know there was a journey to be on in the first place. After we got married we decided to create something different to help single Muslims complete their deen. And so Halal Match was born. 

After a few years of interviewing singles, a friend suggested we journal our stories. We tweaked that idea and turned it into a podcast. In ‘Diary of a Matchmaker’ we’ll take you through this unfamiliar world. We’ll share our stories, experiences, and much more.  So say Bismillah and tune in. 
